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[Algorithm] Handshake / 악수 > Quest.At the annual meeting of Board of Directors of Acme Inc, every one starts shaking hands with everyone else in the room. Given the fact that any two persons shake hand exactly once, Can you tell the total count of handshakes? > Input.Input Format The first line contains the number of test cases T, T lines follow. Each line then contains an integer N, the total number of Board of Directors.. 더보기
[Algorithm] Divisible Sum Pairs > Quest.You are given an array of integers, , and a positive integer, . Find and print the number of pairs where and + is evenly divisible by . > Input.Input Format The first line contains space-separated integers, and , respectively. The second line contains space-separated integers describing the respective values of . > Output.Output Format Print the number of pairs where and + is evenly divi.. 더보기
[Algorithm] 캥거루 두 마리 > Quest.There are two kangaroos on an x-axis ready to jump in the positive direction (i.e, toward positive infinity). The first kangaroo starts at location and moves at a rate of meters per jump. The second kangaroo starts at location and moves at a rate of meters per jump. Given the starting locations and movement rates for each kangaroo, can you determine if they'll ever land at the same locat.. 더보기
[Algorithm] 사과나무와 오렌지나무 > Quest.Sam's house has an apple tree and an orange tree that yield an abundance of fruit. In the diagram below, the red region denotes his house, where is the start point and is the end point. The apple tree is to the left of his house, and the orange tree is to its right. You can assume the trees are located on a single point, where the apple tree is at point and the orange tree is at point . .. 더보기
[Algorithm] Angry Professor > Quest.A Discrete Mathematics professor has a class of students. Frustrated with their lack of discipline, he decides to cancel class if fewer than students are present when class starts. Given the arrival time of each student, determine if the class is canceled. > Input.Input Format The first line of input contains , the number of test cases. Each test case consists of two lines. The first lin.. 더보기
[CPP] Generics 안녕하세요. Bot - binoo 입니다.오늘은 [CPP] Generics와 관련된 주제로 간단하게 정리 해볼까 합니다. Generics : 포괄적인, 총칭의 (네이버 사전)Generics 를 쉽게 말씀드리자면, 어떤 것이 와도 좋다! 입니다. CPP에서 Generics 는 Template 로 많이 쓰입니다.Java에서는 T 혹은 ? 로 구현되는 부분이기도 합니다. List 가 하나 있다고 합시다.List A; List Aindex Value Format -- - 처음 생성시에는 이 리스트에 어떤 값(정확히는 물린 인덱스)도 없습니다.// A 리스트에 하나의 개체를 넣는다. A.push_back( 20 ); List AindexValueFormat020Integer -- - 첫 데이터는 숫자가 입력되었습.. 더보기
[CPP] Queues and Stacks (30 days of learn) > Quest.Write the following declarations and implementations: Two instance variables: one for your , and one for your . A void pushCharacter(char ch) method that pushes a character onto a stack. A void enqueueCharacter(char ch) method that enqueues a character in the instance variable. A char popCharacter() method that pops and returns the character at the top of the instance variable. A char de.. 더보기
[SQL] What is DCL ? 안녕하세요. Bot - binoo 입니다. 오늘은 데이터 제어어(DCL)은 대체 무엇일까라는 주제로 간단하게 정리 해볼까 합니다. 지금까지는 Data 가 있을 집을 구성하고(DDL), 어떤 데이터를 넣고 누가 들어갔는지 확인했다면(DML) 이제는 이러한 Data를 처리하는 일련의 작업을 누구에게 얼마만큼 허용할지 생각해 봅니다. 예를 들어, 수습이 회사 DB 작업을 한다고 생각해봅시다. 회사차원에서는 수습이 아무리 마음에 들어도 전체 권한을 주기 쉽지 않습니다. 실수로 그동안 구축해두었던 모든 정보를 날려버린다면, 그 모든 책임을 수습에게 주기에는 부족하겠죠. DCL 은 그런 언어입니다. What is DCL ? 1. Data Control Language 의 약자입니다. 제가 처음에 느낀 뜻 하고는 조.. 더보기
